Super Smash Bros. 4 Dissapointment

Hey Guys,

So a couple of days ago, Nintendo revealed that Lucario would return as a playable character in the upcoming smash brothers. I can’t express how enraging this is. If Sakuri decided to replace Mewtwo with Lucario in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, why didn’t he replace Lucario with anyone in Super Smash Bros. 4? I mean, everybody was saying “Add Mewtwo back again, he was awesome.” People also made smart requests for adding Mewtwo back into the game, suggesting that instead of regular Mewtwo, having Mewtwo’s mega evolution because of the release of Pokémon X and Y. But no, after thousands of requests for Mewtwo and none for Lucario, Sakuri thought it was a good idea to let all 20 million of his fans down, and add Lucario to the game. Whatever, it’s not that big of a deal, it’s just so aggravating. Plus, there are still some amazing new characters added to the game such as Megaman and WiiFit Trainer. Ok, guys that’s about it! I was just really angry that Lucario was added to the next Super Smash Smash Bros. over Mewtwo. Bye, see you in my next post!

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