Top 4 Video Game CreepyPastas

4. Herobrine


This picture is an in-game screenshot of a player seeing herobrine

Coming in at number 4 is a scary minecraft creepypasta. Back in 2009, somebody was playing minecraft when they saw another player off in the distance. At first glance, the other player looked like it had the default minecraft skin (steve), but when the person looked closer, he saw that it had no eyes. He sent the picture to MOJANG (minecraft creators/developers) and it went viral. Within weeks everybody was posting screenshots and youtube videos of them finding/seeing Herobrine. It’s been years now, and everybody knows that it’s fake. We’ve all come to the conclusion that Herobrine is either a hoax, or that MOJANG actually created Herobrine and used it to make minecraft more popular or they thought it would be fun to start a rumor. Anyway, Herobrine still creeps me out till this day. I have watched many videos on it, and they always have creepy music playing and they sometimes even jump scare you. If you want to learn more about Herobrine, or see some videos or pictures of Herobrine sightings, you could just google ‘Herobrine’ and millions of results will come up.

3. The Tails Doll

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This picture is available under CC License  

“The Tails Doll” is a very scary creepypasta about Sonic R, a launch title for the Sega Saturn. After the release of the original creepypasta, people started making disturbing fanart, and videos claiming that the tails doll was a real living thing.  There were also reports of people having horrible seizures playing as the tails doll in sonic R, saying it was due to the song “Can You feel the sunshine” that plays over and over on every single track in the game, along with all of trippy patterns you see. Some people say it’s the tails doll giving people seizures, based on the fact that in EVERY SINGLE person that reports having a seizure while playing the game, state that they were playing as the tails doll.  The most ridiculous complaints and videos are people saying that the tails doll actually comes out of your tv or computer screen, and tries to kill you. If you want to read the original creepypasta, go here. And if you want to see one of the creepy videos about the tails doll, go here.

2.  Sonic.exe

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Picture used for a youtube video thumbnail. Photoshopped picture of original Sonic The Hedgehog title screen. This picture is not copyright, as it doesn’t have an official owner.

Since I can’t write the whole story on this one post, and anything else I say about it wont make sense without the rest of the story. So, here’s the link to the story. Trust me, this story is creepy.

1. Ben Drowned

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This is a photoshopped picture of “ben” made by a google+ user

Coming in at number 1 is a good ol’ Majora’s Mask creepypasta. There is so much to this story, that I can’t put it all in this post, so I’ll just tell you the beginning. The story starts with a teenager that bought an N64 off of Ebay, and is looking for a game to get for it. He starts looking at yard sales, and finally at one he sees a Majora’s Mask cartridge. The old man that was running the yard sale made an offer, and the teen bought it.  After the teen gets the cartridge he speeds back home, eager to play Majora’s mask. When he gets to the file menu, there is only one file called: BEN. Not caring,  the kid deletes the file, not knowing what he has done… To continue the the story, go to this link. And if you wanna see the video, go to this link.


Tails doll picture available under creative commons license. Here’s the link to it 

Ben drowned picture is a photoshopped non-copyright picture made by a google+ user. Here’s the link

Sonic.exe picture was used as a thumbnail for a video on the #1 most subscribed channel on youtube, Pewdiepie. Here’s the link to the video

Herobrine Picture is an in-game screenshot that a player took. Here’s the link


  1. Aydin, I really like this post, I loved following your link to the creepy pasta for “Ben” And I liked it, read it all the way, very convincing, sounded Real. I think you have had a great start to your blog and I hope you follow through with it and make this great, at it’s full potential.

  2. Aydin, I really like this post. I loved following your link to the creepy pasta for “Ben” and I liked it, read it all the way, very convincing, sounded REAL. I think you have had a great start to your blog and I hope you follow through with it and make this great, at it’s full potential.

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